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Healthcare Guidance for Schools 

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Enhance your institution's offerings with our future-forward products, empowering employees and students to navigate healthcare effectively, make informed, cost-effective decisions, and improve health literacy.

We Provide Outcomes That Matter

Cost Savings 

Employee, Student, & Parent Satisfaction

Time Saving 

Health illiteracy

 drives excessive healthcare spending, particularly impacting organizations with employee health benefits.


96% of American adults lack health literacy, struggling to navigate the healthcare system for their benefit. 


of high school and college students lack basic healthcare literacy, risking poor health outcomes and financial decisions.


of today's generation look for well-rounded schools that provide practical education, including health insurance 

Included Products

Patient Power Modules 

Have your students learn about what they need to know before they become patients with our asynchronous interactive courses that are simple and engaging. 

Cost Compass 

Make sure your faculty and staff can make the best care choice by first accessing our quality and financial breakdowns of all procedure options

Care Manager

After you take our care manager quiz, we'll make sure you won't miss a thing with reminders, updates and recommendations so you can meet your health goals without the extra hassle

Pocket Doc 

Parents and faculty can say goodbye to endless physician, hospital and clinic searches as we find their perfect matches. 

CareGenius AI

Have a healthcare question while you're on the go? Get your quick questions answered with our mobile friendly AI chatbot

Pulse Check Alert

Stay up-to-date with the latest healthcare news so that you can stay informed on-the-go.

Interested in pricing? 

Every organization has different needs and desires, so we work with you to customize the standard school package to fit you better. 


We'll work with your organization to get a package and price estimate. Get a quote today. 

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